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Useful Tools for Business

Make the most of what the web has to offer you... check out these awesome tools that can be really useful for your personal use or for your business:

Website Check

Is your website lacking vital attributes, or is it so awesome, it's off the scale?? This basic test is an initial check that we perform as part of a review of your website and search optimisation. Give your website a try today to see if you could be doing better:

And if you are unsure what to do next, we'd be happy to help you develop a plan!


Sign up for 2.5Gigabytes of free space online! A great way of backing up your important files and, what's more, you can access them instantly from your computer, mobile phone or tablet.

Maybe you want to have files from work accessible at home? Drop them into DropBox and they upload to the "cloud" to be made available as you need.

Or maybe you need a document when you're out and about, miles from your computer? Just log in via your mobile phone and view all your files, just like that!

Sign up to DropBox today!


"I just need to remember to..." and then you never do! Make notes - or even re-write war and peace - on your computer, iPhone, Android tablet and have that note available in all of those places whenever you need it. A great way of taking minutes on your mobile device, to write up on your PC or Mac later.

Or maybe build up a shopping list whilst in the office and then have it immediately available in the supermarket on your phone. Add and remove items from the list as you go via your mobile and keep your life on track!

Download Evernote now!

More awesome tools coming soon! Follow us on Facebook to see the latest updates.

Article published Thursday 15th of November 2012

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