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Google Search Changes & Mobile Phones

How this can affect your business's website:

Google is changing how your website is "ranked" in its search results. This means that your website's position on the page of search results may be pushed down below your competitors.

But Why?
As technology changes and more people use their phone or tablet to view the web than desktop computers, the mobile-friendliness of a website is used in the positioning of your business online. So if your competitors websites are optimised for smartphones and tablets, their business may creep ahead of yours.

What Do You Mean By "Mobile-Friendliness"?
Your website can be viewed no-matter if the user is on their phone, tablet or PC. However, phone-users might have to "pinch" and zoom in to see small text on the page, the menu might not work for them as it should and generally it's harder to use than on a desktop computer. Google is now using this to grade your site and hence your position in search.

All Is Not Lost! Quite The Opposite...
It's a relatively small, cost-effective update to your website to make it "responsive" to whatever device that the public are using - tablet, phone or computer. And furthermore if your competitors don't yet have this facility, an upgrade may help you move ahead of them in Google search too!

Get In Touch:
If you would like to find out more and get a no-obligation quote for your website to be upgraded, drop us a line: or reply to this email.

More about the switch, direct from Google:

Article published Wednesday 1st of April 2015

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