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Mobile Smart Phone Optimised Responsive Websites

Is your website still not optimised for mobile phones? Are you being penalised by Google search results for your website being out of date? 

Websites for Tablets & Smartphones

All our new websites are built with mobile phones and tablets with smaller, touch-enabled screens in mind. Some of our older websites (4 years or more) may not be fully optimised - known as "responsive" - for phone users. You need to make the change to keep up with your competition!

Google changes their search system in 2015 to favour websites that were mobile friendly. Read more about this change here.

We recommend updating your website as a cost-effective way of gaining visibility in Google search and reaching more customers.

How Can I Make My Website Responsive?

If your website is not responsive at present there are a few ways to upgrade. Here are some options:

  • Option 1: Basic Responsive Addon 
    • We write a small addon, tailored specifically to your website
    • Website will work better for most phone users (est. >90%)
    • Small improvement in Google search position
    • Cost estimated $125-$175

  • Option 2: Re-Write of Code 
    • This more advanced option takes your existing design and completely re-writes the code from scratch
    • This provides all mobile users a better, simple experience on your website
    • Better impact on Google search results
    • Cost estimated $255-$320

  • Option 3: New Design 
    • If your website is a little older it might be time for a new design
    • A "re-skin" can readily be applied to your existing site
    • Contact us to discuss options, design and costs
If you have any questions, please get in touch today.

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Article published Sunday 15th of October 2017

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